Integrity Tools

Description of Tools

The Integrity Tools for WASAs was developed and piloted in Bangladesh in cooperation with BAWIN based on experiences made in Kenya and Indonesia. During the development phase, integrity challenges and potential solutions were identified through a desk study, and verified and complemented jointly with staff of Khulna WASA. These findings were converted into a methodological concept for integrity management for WASAs and provided the basis for the development of the Integrity Tools for WASAs. The toolbox was validated and then piloted in Khulna WASA in 2015. The pilot proved the feasibility of the approach and led to demonstrable outcomes that enhance transparency, accountability and participation in service provision. As the concept of the Integrity Tools can be transferred and adapted to any geographical context, administrative level and target group, the approach has received substantial interest within the development cooperation and water sector community. Here We have provided elaborate descriptions of different types of integrity instruments that can help mitigating integrity risks within water utilities.

Water Sector Policy And
Procurement And Anti-Corruption
Country-Specific Integrity

The water sector framework in a given country provides specific mechanisms, which – if used properly – can help to mitigate integrity risks. Specific guidelines and regulations may for example provide guidance for processes related to procurement, reporting, or the selection of board members or staff. We use the Indonesian water sector as a case study. As a result, a number of the integrity instruments presented in this document may not be directly applicable in other countries as they are specific to its context and refer to particular

Integrity Management Toolbox

Integrity Management Toolbox

The toolbox contains all the necessary training material to run an integrity management workshop with WASAs, and an easy-to-use Excel file linking all the integrity risks with the instruments.

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Integrity Management Toolbox for Bangladeshi WASA

The actual toolbox also contains all the necessary training materials for an Integrity Management workshop with WASAs and an easy-to-use Excel file.....

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Integrity Risks Cards

If a customer doesn’t pay bills, a common practice is to disconnect the customer. In order to avoid disconnections, bribes may be paid to field staff who are supposed to disconnect the customer or to...

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Integrity Tool Cards

Accountability for expenditures is the moral or legal duty to submit financial reports to scrutiny and to explain to all stakeholders how funds, equipment, or authority was used, and what was achieved as a result...

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Business Model Cheat Sheet

Cheatsheet Business Model Canvas

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